
Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Day #3 & #4 : Hectic days

I caught myself smiling while watching the remedial students finishing their work today. I was waiting for the second observation for my major subject [Remedial Mathematics] and i just finish my minor subject observation a few minutes before. Thinking about that children,  it feels like something is pounding on my chest. I remember yesterday when i stressed out about the sudden visit of my lecturer to observe my teaching session suddenly disappeared because of their warmth smile. I haven't step inside the classroom when they said 'yeaaa, cikgu prisca datang' which mean 'yeah, teacher Prisca is coming' . 

I was planning to make a serious face with hope they'll afraid then engage a silent mode and cooperate well *because my lecturer is watching*. By the way, the plan and the hap was really different. I didn't reach the classroom's door when i start smiling. I don't know. I just don't know how to control that smile on my face. Well, sometime i am very angry especially when kids playing while i was teaching but i'll end up with smiling -again-. Sometime i try to cover up thing by making that as a demo to their act and try to stop them again. But yesterday, everything seems useless. No matter how hard i stop them smiling and whispering each other, they won't. There i start to show a serious face but again i smiled and laughed because this one student named Azhar. Ok, i tried not to play favourites but i failed. I really like him. He is exceptionally bright - i mean, the way he talk, the way he play, the way he act himself, i just can't stop liking him. 

The lesson went through in loud and that was very troublesome ! Well, actually it doesn't. Today when the flashback comes through my mind, they actually help me manage my nervousness and i forget that the students was helping me setting up things like LCD, Laptop and their own table. I come to conclusion that 'an efficient teaching wasn't a quite classroom but the one that includes all the students in active learning and communication.' I learned that well from my lecturer's comment. He was saying that it's OK if your students are noisy as long as they are learning something not the jumping and doing nothing part. And, if they are quite and didn't say a single word then there's something wrong with 'em. Children aren't suppose to be like that. 

Oh, actually the thing that made them smiling all along was because they prepared me birthday gifts. The children really know what to do huh? I was really touched and i felt like hugging them one by one. Today i thanked them and through our lesson i learned that the classmates can sing well altogether ! I am impressed when they keep asking me to play guitar and they sing as one. "cikgu, kita nyanyi 8 kali lagi" which mean 'teacher, we sing 8 times again' - said McRoy [The naughtiest yet brilliant student].

For the remedial class, i felt a bit tense today because they can't get what i am trying to say. I was there explaining the concept of subtraction within 10, by all means, using the LCD, Power Point presentation, story telling, games, simulation, demonstration, practice etc but still the can't get it right. 
Enough with 2-1, they can't get it ! Let alone the bigger number. 1 hour passed quickly. By the way, i thanked God because at least they knew the symbol '-' for subtraction and solved the 2-1 and another number *although i know they'll forget quickly* . That makes a big difference for a student like them.

Dear God, i hope you can show me the way to make them understand. AMEN. 

Ok, now i am thinking about how could i ended up clinging with the students physically, emotionally and mentally. Not just in school but in there with the remedial students. IPG and school supposed to be just a brief stop on a world tour. Or was it? I couldn't let any single moment of my days without thinking about what to do and which how when bla bla bla with those children. This was where i belonged. The realization brought me immense comfort.

Oh, i'm sleepy - Need to do some of the work again later. Till then !

Mr. Camera
The students asked me to unwrap the gifts in front of them. Oh, they loved to see how surprise i am.

One of them - It's a cute mug inside :) already use it once
for drinking my tasty mix fruit juice.

The frame is beautiful , like the student :) Thank You sweetie.


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