I ended a year full of blessings diary on April 06, 2014 :)
I had an unsettle thing in my heart over the year. A feeling like I am not in a position or place where I should be. I supposed to not to lose things I love and maybe where I stay isn't a place I supposed to be ... but no answer have came and feeling still looms.
But... when i remind myself every morning, through the thick and thin, through the hard days and good days, the unsettle feeling gone.
A year full of hope, challenges, happiness, sadness, struggle and so on.
So this year, i am no longer a jobless woman. I added one precious journey and stage in my life. I've been busy. So busy. I even have a little time to do things i always do , like photographing , playing music etc. I sometimes have to yell to the kids i teach, sometimes more than i should. I live alone in a quarters, I have to wake up early in the morning, I have to face different kind of people in a different situation.
But i loved the changes. I find that it's best to find joy in the imperfections. Even if there are some holes missing, i feel joy in all of this. Every day when i wake up, i look around, and see that God has placed a blessing in my life. And knowing that i am on His journey for my life has been the most rewarding feeling i have ever felt in my faith, despite all of the things are still missing.
Exhausted, lonely heart is full of joy ! :)