There's a quote saying "When one door closed another door opening. But often we stay too long in front of the closed door and we didn't realize that another doors opened for us.
Speaking about door, it reminds me about opportunity. Everyone went through beautiful moments. There are things that will last in a very long time, forever or maybe in a very short time. If we are enjoying the opportunity either it happened in a very short or long way, we will be long for 'that' time when the door close.
Ok, here is the fact. Door closed, opportunity change. But how many of us willing to change in a very short time to enter another door? Think about this.
My friend Tico once told me that Life is an open door. You're a door, others are doors too. I agreed. Cause , When you let someone in, you open your door to them. When you don't want the person to come in, close the door. People who really want to come in will wait outside until you open yourself for them.
It is just the same for the others too. When you decided to come in, the others may open or close. When they open, you enter. Here is the IMPORTANT thing that i want to remind myself today. Remember, when others open the door for you, you might like or dislike what inside. The 'like' will make you stay and 'dislike' will make you wanna leave.
Sometimes, you may have both feelings inside you. So i know i am experiencing them now. Tico said, open up! Be kind to others! Don't cose yourself!
Now i think i walk inside someone's door, that made me feel both way. So, many point made me plan to stay. But some of them pointed me to leave the door. And the 'some of them' really suffocate me and need me to leave for some fresh air. The problem is , am i willing to leave or not?
So today, i'm telling myself these :
1. Let go of something you can't change. Let go means, go away and never hold on anymore.
2. Sometime, something that will make you free is the one that made u afraid to change.
Anyways, i still have a lot of time to think. In a mean time, i will just stay freely, never expect anything and when the courage is enough, i'll open the door and get out and close it.
I just don't want to change what inside the door. I want to see how much will i endure everything, then if i can't hold on anymore, i will just go.